IBM Streams Event Streams integration


IBM® Event Streams is a fully managed, cloud-based messaging service. It is built on Apache Kafka and is available through IBM Cloud® as a Service.

This module allows a Streams application to subscribe a message queue as a stream and publish messages on a queue from a stream of tuples.


Event Streams credentials are defined using a Streams application configuration or setting the Event Streams service credentials JSON directly to the credentials parameter of the functions as dict type.

Credentials Sample:

import json
import streamsx.eventstreams as eventstreams
from streamsx.topology.schema import CommonSchema
from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology

topology = Topology ('CredentialsExample')

myCredentialsJsonString = """
    in multiple lines
myCredentials = json.loads(myCredentialsJsonString)
stream = eventstreams.subscribe(topology, topic="topic",
    schema=CommonSchema.String, credentials=myCredentials)

By default an application configuration named messagehub is used, a different configuration can be specified using the credentials parameter to subscribe() or publish().

The application configuration must contain the property messagehub.creds with a value of the raw Event Streams service credentials JSON.


The schema of the stream defines how messages are handled.

  • CommonSchema.String - Each message is a UTF-8 encoded string.
  • CommonSchema.Json - Each message is a UTF-8 encoded serialized JSON object.
  • StringMessage - structured schema with message and key
  • BinaryMessage - structured schema with message and key
  • StringMessageMeta - structured schema with message, key, and message meta data
  • BinaryMessageMeta - structured schema with message, key, and message meta data

No other formats are supported.


A simple hello world example of a Streams application publishing to a topic and the same application consuming the same topic:

from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology
from streamsx.topology.schema import CommonSchema
from streamsx.topology.context import submit, ContextTypes
import streamsx.eventstreams as eventstreams
import time

def delay (v):
    time.sleep (5.0)
    return True

topology = Topology ('EventStreamsHelloWorld')

to_evstr = topology.source (['Hello', 'World!'])
to_evstr = to_evstr.as_string()
# delay tuple by tuple
to_evstr = to_evstr.filter (delay)

# Publish a stream to Event Streams using HELLO topic
eventstreams.publish (to_evstr, topic='HELLO')

# Subscribe to same topic as a stream
from_evstr = eventstreams.subscribe (topology, schema=CommonSchema.String, topic='HELLO')

# You'll find the Hello World! in stdout log file:

submit (ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topology)
streamsx.eventstreams.download_toolkit(url=None, target_dir=None)

Downloads the latest streamsx.messagehub toolkit from GitHub.

Example for updating the toolkit for your topology with the latest toolkit from GitHub:

import streamsx.eventstreams as es
# download the toolkit from GitHub
toolkit_location = es.download_toolkit()
# add the toolkit to topology
streamsx.spl.toolkit.add_toolkit(topology, toolkit_location)

Example for updating the topology with a specific version of the streamsx.messagehub toolkit using an URL:

import streamsx.eventstreams as es
url202 = ''
toolkit_location = es.download_toolkit(url=url202)
streamsx.spl.toolkit.add_toolkit(topology, toolkit_location)
  • url (str) – Link to toolkit archive (*.tgz) to be downloaded. Use this parameter to download a specific version of the toolkit.
  • target_dir (str) – the directory where the toolkit is unpacked to. If a relative path is given, the path is appended to the system temporary directory, for example to /tmp on Unix/Linux systems. If target_dir is None a location relative to the system temporary directory is chosen.

the location of the downloaded streamsx.messagehub toolkit

Return type:



This function requires an outgoing Internet connection

New in version 1.3.

streamsx.eventstreams.configure_connection(instance, name='messagehub', credentials=None)

Configures IBM Streams for a certain connection.

Creates an application configuration object containing the required properties with connection information.

Example for creating a configuration for a Streams instance with connection details:

from import Instance
import streamsx.topology.context
from icpd_core import icpd_util

cfg = icpd_util.get_service_instance_details(name='your-streams-instance')
cfg[streamsx.topology.context.ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False
instance = Instance.of_service(cfg)
app_cfg = configure_connection(instance, credentials='my_crdentials_json')
  • instance (streamsx.rest_primitives.Instance) – IBM Streams instance object.
  • name (str) – Name of the application configuration, default name is ‘messagehub’.
  • credentials (str|dict) – The service credentials for Eventstreams.

Name of the application configuration.


The function can be used only in IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

New in version 1.1.

streamsx.eventstreams.subscribe(topology, topic, schema, group=None, credentials=None, name=None)

Subscribe to messages from Event Streams (Message Hub) for a topic.

Adds an Event Streams consumer that subscribes to a topic and converts each consumed message to a stream tuple.

  • topology (Topology) – Topology that will contain the stream of messages.
  • topic (str) – Topic to subscribe messages from.
  • schema (StreamSchema) – Schema for returned stream.
  • group (str) – Kafka consumer group identifier. When not specified it default to the job name with topic appended separated by an underscore.
  • credentials (dict|str) – Credentials in JSON or name of the application configuration containing the credentials for the Event Streams service. When set to None the application configuration messagehub is used.
  • name (str) – Consumer name in the Streams context, defaults to a generated name.

Stream containing messages.

Return type:


streamsx.eventstreams.publish(stream, topic, credentials=None, name=None)

Publish Event Streams messages to a topic.

Adds an Event Streams producer where each tuple on stream is published as a message into IBM Event Streams cloud service.

  • stream (Stream) – Stream of tuples to published as messages.
  • topic (str) – Topic to publish messages to.
  • credentials (dict|str) – Credentials in JSON or name of the application configuration containing the credentials for the Event Streams service. When set to None the application configuration messagehub is used.
  • name (str) – Producer name in the Streams context, defaults to a generated name.

Stream termination.

Return type:


Schemas for streams created with the subscribe() method, and usable for streams terminated with the publish(). All of these message types are keyed messages.

class streamsx.eventstreams.schema.Schema

Structured stream schemas for keyed messages for subscribe(), and for streams that are published by publish() to an Event Streams topic.

The schemas

have the attributes message, and key. They vary in the type for the message attribute and can be used for subscribe() and for the stream published with publish().

The schemas

have the attributes message, key, topic, partition, offset, and messageTimestamp. They vary in the type for the message attribute and can be used for subscribe() and publish().

All schemas defined in this class are instances of streamsx.topology.schema.StreamSchema.

The following sample uses structured schemas for publishing messages with keys to a potentially partitioned topic in Event Streams. Then, it creates a consumer group that subscribes to the topic, and processes the received messages in parallel channels partitioned by the message key:

from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology
from streamsx.topology.context import submit, ContextTypes
from streamsx.topology.topology import Routing
from streamsx.topology.schema import StreamSchema
from streamsx.eventstreams.schema import Schema
import streamsx.eventstreams as evst

import random
import time
import json
from datetime import datetime

# Define a callable source for data that we push into Event Streams
class SensorReadingsSource(object):
    def __call__(self):
        # This is just an example of using generated data,
        # Here you could connect to db, generate data,
        # connect to data set, open file, ...
        i = 0
        # wait that the consumer is ready before we start creating data
        while(i < 10000):
            time.sleep(0.01)   # 100 per second
            i = i + 1
            sensor_id = random.randint(1, 100)
            reading = {}
            reading["sensor_id"] = "sensor_" + str(sensor_id)
            reading["value"] = random.random() * 3000
            reading["ts"] = int(
            yield reading

# parses the JSON in the message and adds the attributes to a tuple
def flat_message_json(tuple):
    messageAsDict = json.loads(tuple['message'])
    return tuple

# calculate a hash code of a string in a consistent way
# needed for partitioned parallel streams
def string_hashcode(s):
    h = 0
    for c in s:
        h = (31 * h + ord(c)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return ((h + 0x80000000) & 0xFFFFFFFF) - 0x80000000

topology = Topology('EventStreamsParallel')

# the producer part
# create the data and map them to the attributes 'message' and 'key' of the
# 'Schema.StringMessage' schema for Kafka, so that we have messages with keys
sensorStream = topology.source(
        func=lambda reading: {'message': json.dumps(reading),
                              'key': reading['sensor_id']},
# assume, we have created an application configuration with name 'messagehub'
eventStreamsSink = evst.publish(

# the consumer side
# subscribe, create a consumer group with 3 consumers
consumerSchema = Schema.StringMessageMeta
received = evst.subscribe(

# start a different parallel region partitioned by message key,
# so that each key always goes into the same parallel channel
receivedParallelPartitioned = received.parallel(
    func=lambda x: string_hashcode(x['key']))

# schema extension, here we use the Python 2.7, 3 way
flattenedSchema = consumerSchema.extend(
    StreamSchema('tuple<rstring sensor_id, float64 value, int64 ts>'))

receivedParallelPartitionedFlattened =

# validate by remove negativ and zero values from the streams,
# pass only positive vaues and timestamps
receivedValidated = receivedParallelPartitionedFlattened.filter(
    lambda tup: (tup['value'] > 0) and (tup['ts'] > 0),

# end parallel processing and print the combined streams to stdout log

submit(ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topology)
BinaryMessage = <streamsx.topology.schema.StreamSchema object>

Stream schema with message and key, where the message is a binary object (sequence of bytes), and the key is a string.

The schema defines following attributes

  • message(bytes) - the message content
  • key(str) - the key for partitioning

This schema can be used for both subscribe(), and for streams that are published by publish().

New in version 1.2.

BinaryMessageMeta = <streamsx.topology.schema.StreamSchema object>

Stream schema with message, key, and message meta data, where the message is a binary object (sequence of bytes), and the key is a string. This schema can be used for subscribe().

The schema defines following attributes

  • message(bytes) - the message content
  • key(str) - the key for partitioning
  • topic(str) - the Event Streams topic
  • partition(int) - the topic partition number (32 bit)
  • offset(int) - the offset of the message within the topic partition (64 bit)
  • messageTimestamp(int) - the message timestamp in milliseconds since epoch (64 bit)

New in version 1.2.

StringMessage = <streamsx.topology.schema.StreamSchema object>

Stream schema with message and key, both being strings.

The schema defines following attributes

  • message(str) - the message content
  • key(str) - the key for partitioning

This schema can be used for both subscribe(), and for streams that are published by publish().

New in version 1.2.

StringMessageMeta = <streamsx.topology.schema.StreamSchema object>

Stream schema with message, key, and message meta data, where both message and key are strings. This schema can be used for subscribe().

The schema defines following attributes

  • message(str) - the message content
  • key(str) - the key for partitioning
  • topic(str) - the Event Streams topic
  • partition(int) - the topic partition number (32 bit)
  • offset(int) - the offset of the message within the topic partition (64 bit)
  • messageTimestamp(int) - the message timestamp in milliseconds since epoch (64 bit)

New in version 1.2.

Indices and tables